The New World Order - The Great Reset

Who to look out for:  I wrote this on another website November 2020, Look at what I had written for Bill Gates and the United Nations!

  1. Bilderberg Group
  2. Bilderberg Members
  3. George Soros
  4. Bill and Melinda Gates - Depopulation Through Vaccination
  5. George Soros - Open Foundations - One World Government
  6. Tony Blair - Institute for Global Change
  7. World Economic Forum (WEF)
  8. United Nations - Agenda 21/30 - Population Control/Depopulation
  9. United Nations - Global Migration Pact - To replace European populations.
  10. World Health Organisation
  11. The Rothchild's - Own most of the worlds drug producers, they also own most of the world's banks.
  12. Pope Francis - One World Government - One World Religion
  13. Justin Welby - Head of the C of E - On the coat tails of Pope Francis
  14. Coudenhove-Kalergi - Pan Europa

The two groups below, unbeknownst to them, are being used by the above to bring about their agenda, but they too will be annihilated once they have outlived their usefulness.
DAVOS (WEF) group refer to these as 'useful idiots'.
BLM - Hard Left Marxists - Linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, a well defined hate group.

Antifa - mostly indoctrinated white youth - The actual epitome of Fascism and Hitler's Brown Shirts.


UPDATE: April 2022

The UK government have now partnered with the WEF to bring about The Great Reset.


Rishi Sunak is going to bring in a cashless society in the form of DIGITAL CURRENCY (not cash money) which will  be PROGAMMABLE.

They will say it will help eliminate fraud.

But as usual it is only a small fragment of the purpose of this nefarious scheme.


What it really means any 'money' you have will be will be converted to 'CREDITS' which the government will control.

This is where the PROGRAMMABLE side of the currency comes in.

They will control what you spend your CREDITS on.

Everything you purchase will be given a CARBON CREDIT FOOTPRINT SCORE and once you reach the carbon credit maximum for that particular item you will no longer be able to purchase said item until your carbon credits have been REFRESHED probably on a monthly basis.

For example:

  1. Lets say a pat of butter has been given a carbon footprint of 5 credits.
  2. You are allowed 15 credits to buy butter
  3. Once you have purchased 3 pats of butter you have reached the government enforced maximum and you will no longer be able to purchase a pat of butter until your carbon credits have been refreshed.

How will they make this happen?

Initially you will have to carry an app on your smart phone, but eventually.....of course..... this will be 'cumbersome' and and 'unworkable' because what if you phone gets broken, lost or stolen or you just can't afford one?

Not to worry though the government have got you covered, they have a wonderful solution in 'hand', bit of a pun there!!

Everyone will be 'OFFERED''FREE' implantable microchip where your SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE and CARBON FOOTPRINT and EVERYTHING else about you is all neatly logged and you don't have to worry about your phone getting broken, lost, stolen or affordability all you have to do is SUBMIT and hold your hand out like a good little citizen.


It's important to remember that these 'RULES' will not apply to those in power......Just you and me!!


Do your own research DO NOT use Chrome, Google etc. these are heavily censored. Download the 'duck duck go' browser to find uncensored content, it also prevents your browsing history from being tracked.

EVERY single person and group opposite HATE western countries and their indigenous populations.  Included with this disdain but not mentioned is EVERY western government.

All of them have signed up to the UN Global Migration Pact, you might not know, but they have.
They want to flood Europe with 70 MILLION Africans and most of the Middle East.

But don't make the mistake of thinking they like them better than you, they don't.

These people are sociopaths and psychopaths.

The Global Migration Pact is a tool they are using to destabilise the west and set ordinary people against one another and so far it is working, I have never seen so much hate before.

Firstly they want to eradicate the White Race, the smallest ethnic group on the planet approximately 12% and still going down, once they have achieved that they will start on the rest.

Just as the Jews became the 'common enemy' to Nazi Germany so have the Whites become the 'common enemy' of the non-whites.


Their eventual goal is a world population reduction of between     4 - 5 BILLION people and those that are left will be the slaves of these sociopaths.

Who Runs The World Health Organisation?

Tedros Adhanom - Director-General of the W.H.O

First African (Ethiopian) to hold the position.
Heavily endorsed by China.

  1. The first non-medical doctor to hold the post
  2. Political Party - Tigray People's Liberation Front (Listed in the Global Terrorist Data Base).
  3. Former Ethiopian health minister.
  4. Former Foreign Minister and:-
  5. Borrowed $13 BILLION from China
  6. China is Ethiopia's Largest Trading Partner
  7. Accused of covering up 3 cholera outbreaks.
  8. Accused of assisting genocide.
  9. Colluded with China to cover up the COVID outbreak

Not exactly someone who instils a sense of well being for 

his fellow man.

World Economic Forum

The psychopath that heads this group is:
Professor Klaus Schwab

The Slogan for this group Is 'Build Back Better'.

Joe Biden's campaign had this on their lecterns.
And now Boris Johnson has started spouting it.


They are talking about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, nothing good here.  This is all to do with Transhumanism the blending of man and machine.


Some people are very happy about this without realising the consequences, have you seen the film Minority Report?  Yes, he wants people to be scanned for thought crimes or crimes they MIGHT commit.


All this is leading to Bill Gate's Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System - This will be done by pressing a loaded plaster covered in microneedles onto the back of the hand, once delivered the plaster is removed the pre-programmed nanoparticles that have been injected can then be scanned by a reader similar to a pet scanner but  it will read a lot more than just a number,.  It will be linked to a massive data base  it will know EVERYTHING about you, how much money you have to criminal convictions and a whole lot more it will basically be your passport to living. The vaccine part is just a cover up.


The introduction of a Universal Basic Income, but first you have to give up everything you own.
In his words 'You will own nothing, and you will be happy'.

If you own your own home you will be forced to give it up and rental will be the only option.  This is following the Chinese model of a Social Credit Score.  Behave and be a good citizen (slave) otherwise they will cut you off!!!